Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bad Turtle

As a young kid, I’ve I had a lot of fun memories, like when I was in a BBQ and I sucked off all the barbeque from everybody’s shish kebab.   There was also a time where I would drink from the adults’ cup and ended up going crazy.
But the craziest memory of all was when my mom got me & my sister a turtle. The turtle was a baaaaaaaaaaad turtle; it attracted cockroaches, so we had to clean the tank every day. Soon we decided to leave that messed up turtle in the basement, which is where he started to play hide and seek. Every day we might find him under the couch, behind the refrigerator, in the bathroom, and sometimes in that dangerous boiler we had. Soon the game of hide-and-seek itself became dangerous and soon…it killed my turtle. The story was that the turtle went in the boiler and a rat ate him. Evidently, it was true. I despised of turtles ever since.

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